The Hakomi Method

Take a moment to check in with yourself….
What is it like to be here on a therapy website, trying to figure out if this is something that is right for you?
How are you making this decision? From what part of you are you accessing that knowing?
Is there any tension in your body? Do you notice a buzzing in your heart or mind? Maybe there’s a little voice judging yourself, or even this therapist.
What if I told you that ALL you are experiencing is welcome….
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I’ll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about.”
How Does it Work?
Sometimes people come in to see me with a problem that they have been spinning around and around in their head trying to figure it out. Their friends are sick of hearing about it and heck, they are even sick of talking about it.
When you are stuck in your head trying to understand a problem, you aren’t using all of your available resources. Their is a natural intelligence that lies just outside of our normal awareness in the body and deeper mind that can be accessed by tuning into the subtleties of your experience.
There are two elements we work on: the automatic patterns in your nervous system and the underlying beliefs about who you are/who you’re supposed to be.
I help people to slow down and listen to what is just beneath the surface so that they can tune into what’s really going on and access their truth. From there, we can guide your stuck experiences, core limiting beliefs, and autonomic patterns like anxiety, to gently re-pattern and integrate back into the well one that already exists in you.
Ready to get started?