Dating & Relationship Alignment

How do you heal a broken heart?

Heartache is the hardest pain. 

It’s like your whole being is rupturing from the inside out and breaking at the seems as the tears flow. 

Nothing seems to make your heart stop hurting. Can’t someone just rip it out? 

How do I know if my current partner is the right person for me?

They seem to check all the boxes, but something just isn’t quite right. 

Parts of you are saying yes and other parts are saying No. 

This decision is taking up so much space in your head. It might be easier to just end the relationship to make the anxiety of it all stop!   

Is it possible to find the love of your life when you are on a spiritual path? 

Real love isn’t just about compatability, you want it to be deep, intimate and profound on both a physical and a spiritual level. Real love is sacred. 

And it feels so hard to find someone who can meet you in that space at the intersection of conscious love, sacred sexuality, and divine purpose. 

It seems like souls of that nature are so few and far between. I’m not just going to find them at a bar or on a dating app, so how am I supposed to meet my soulmate?  

These are some questions that client’s often bring to me in the depths of their despair around relationships gone wrong. 

The dating scene may seem like a wasteland and the loneliness of going it alone may make it feel like you have to settle. 

Don’t give up on yourself! There is hope. 

With several years experience as a Conscious Dating Coach and a lifetime of practice, I bring a wealth of relational tools and understanding to support people in aligning with and cultivating deeply fulfilling relationships. 


Being in Amazing Partnership Starts with You

Schedule Your Free Consultation 

Helping individuals create conscious and aligned connections!

Whether you are already in a relationship or are looking to find that special someone (or someones), having amazing partnerships begins with you.

Your Relationship Blueprint

Many people end up in relationships because they are drawn to a few things that they love about someone, ignoring potential red flags.

Then somewhere down the road, the one thing that didn’t seem like a problem at first begins to separate you.

When you are clear about your own personal needs, desires, and connection style, you can begin to intentionally create the relationship that you most want!

If You Are Single…

This is the best time to gain clarity about the person that will be your best match.

Through a process of generating your unique relationship blueprint and clarifying your internal needs and values, you will begin to develop a strong awareness for which partners are a clear NO and which ones are a HELL YES!

Dating becomes a fun and exciting process when you know what you want in a partner and how to find them.

In sessions, we will work together to get clear on the qualities needed within a relationship for you to experience deep love and connection.

We will then work to remove any barriers to easily going after the relationships that you want.

If You Are in a Committed Relationship…

You can learn ways to improve the quality of your relationship, increase communication, and deepen your level of intimacy.

By clarifying what you need in a relationship, you can then learn how to ask for what you want from your partner, while at the same time respecting their needs.

Once you know your style of giving or receiving love, you can begin to feel more love, connection and intimacy by adjusting how you relate with your partner.

If you are struggling to connect with your partner or become too dependent on your partner, we will work together to develop strategies to create a more balanced, interdependent relationship, where both partners feel empowered and supported.

If You Are in a Challenging Relationship and Are Not Sure What to Do…

We will explore the patterns in your life that are influencing your relationship satisfaction.

By getting in touch with the deeper parts of yourself that are experiencing pain, frustration, confusion, or sadness in connection, it will start to become clear what the next steps are. 

You cannot control our partner’s behavior, but you can adjust how you relate to them to create better outcomes. Sometimes this involves working through deep-seated fears, beliefs, or defense mechanisms so that you can show up as your best self for your partner.

When you clean up your side of the relationship, it will be easier to make more empowered decisions about what’s right for you. 

Therapy can help you discover and attract the relationships to your life that you most want to experience!

If you would like to learn more about how I can help you to have amazing relationships, call for a free 20-minute consultation.